When you look how you looked then to me, then I cease lying and fall into silence.
Dear professor,
I don't really know how I can write this letter without be seen as a dazzled fanatic. That is absolutely what I am NOT.
... Okay, maybe a little bit. But still.
During your classes, I certainly have learned a lot (more than just English...).
I learned to respect you, and then to like you, even if it seems potty (I have a crush on Harry Potter, don't mind).
It may be because of your sense of humour, or your incredible charm (I'm not exactly joking).
It must be because you're smart, and you've tried to understand me when I couldn't manage to do it myself.
I should thank the one who gave you the idea to teach.
Thank you again. For these two long (and so short !) years. And for everything else.
One day, when I look back on my high school years, I will remember you. Without any doubt.
Sorry for mistakes.
Kindest regards,
Parce qu'il y a des jours où on se sent faible, et on en a honte.
Parce qu'il y a des jours où le sourire s'accroche malgré tout.
Parce qu'il y a des jours où la bonne humeur est dû à une personne.
Parce qu'il y a des jours où on a envie de tout dire, encore.
Parce qu'il y a des jours où le lycée nous manquera.
Je "m'attèle" à la lecture :P